
Saturday, September 28, 2013

How One Girl Feel's About The Hot Weather!

I could have used this laugh back in the heat wave last month.  This bitch is as miserable as me in the heat.  Misery loves Company.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

Back To Some Geek Stuff. Microsoft Windows God Mode

Tired of downloading some sub par software, catching some spyware just to get to all the features of Microsoft Windows 7 Control Panel, tweaks and customizations?  Good!  I'm going to dig apart as many as I can starting with God Mode.

1st thing you need to do is create a new folder.  Leave it named as new folder since you're going to change it anyway. Then what you're going to want to do is copy the string below to your clipboard. After doing that, right click on the folder to change the folder name and paste this string "God-Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" w/o the quotes in the folder name and you have enabled God Mode.  Definitely works on Microsoft Windows 7 and 8.  Not tested on anything below.

Feel free to comment if it works on older OS(Vista probably will) or if you have any questions.

I'll be posting more soon and hopefully someone gets some use out of them.  If not, then I'll know where to find them when I need them for myself. 


ALL ACCESS: CD Review: Ministry – From Beer to Eternity

ALL ACCESS: CD Review: Ministry – From Beer to Eternity: CD Review: Ministry – From Beer to Eternity AFM Records All Access Rating: A- Ministry - From Beer to Eternity 2013 Al Jourgens...

Shea Allen says....: No Apologies: Confessions of a red headed reporter...

I wouldn't apologize either.  Most likely, the people who are offended can't get away with being bra-less and looking good.

Shea Allen says....: No Apologies: Confessions of a red headed reporter...: This post was taken down because I was momentarily misguided about who I am and what I stand for. To clarify, I make no apologies for the fo...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Seriously nice PC setup. It's really not a PC but I think they should all be on the wall.

Look at this monster.  Feel free to click on it and check out this history and specs of this powerhouse wall/computer.
It doesn't take a trained eye to tell that a lot of work went into this.  Kudos to Mr. Builder.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Regclean Pro Demo another program that you don't get to try before you by. Not 100%

This really angers me when I see demos from software distributors like Systweak Inc.

They give you this whole confident speech about how you can download the demo and try before you buy and it looks great.

Then what happens is; You install it and run it.  After scanning your system the all mighty Regclean Pro  presents a screen showing you how many errors it found and how it can fix your registry and speed up your computer.  Looks exciting.  Like this.

Here's where the Shitty Demos that suck comes to play.  When you click the 'Fix Issues' Button you are presented with another screen stating that you can repair your registry if you purchase the product.]
If you're looking to try this for production machines you need to know that when you click 'Fix Issues' that you're not going to trash your registry but you'll never know unless you buy it.

Boo, Systweak Inc.  Booooooo...